
2 min readApr 18, 2020

My biggest fear is failure. Everyone is scared of it. Scared that we will fail our exam, not get into the collage or job of our our choice, or just that we will fail at life itself. Personally, I am scared of failing my parents by not not getting good grades or getting into a good collage.

I am the kind of student who is just average at most things; I get decent grades, I’m good at music and drama and I also play a sports. The problem with that is that I don’t excel at anything. I’m just average.

When you’re just average at everything you can’t be great at anything. When I think about applying to a collage or picking my subjects I have no idea what I will do, I have no direction.

Schools tell us that up till ninth grade figure out what your good at and then pick some subjects that you can start thinking about as your career options. But I fear that whatever I pick I won’t be the best at and this will cause me to fail in whatever I do going forward.

This has been a reoccurring thought in my mind, but it is such nonsense. Why am I scared that if I don’t get into an IV league collage I will be less significant or intelligent. Why do I measure my worth by which collage I get into or what grade I get on my next exam. Why am afraid that if I don’t get into a good collage I will fail at life. This is just me getting inside my head.

In the end, I think that failure is important and that one small thing doesn’t effect the end result. Without failure we wouldn’t be able to learn and grow. Even if I don’t get into a great collage or get the best grades its not the end of the world. If I were in a place where I was the smartest person it would make me happy but not smarter. People say it is better to be an insignificant fish in a significant pond rather than a significant fish in an insignificant pond. If I’m not the smartest person in a room of smart people, it doesn’t mean that I have failed it just means that I have the capacity to be better.




I’m Arushi and this is my blog. I’m just getting used to the idea of blogging right now so bear with me while I try to navigate my way through this.